Welcome to Infant Swim Port Orange with Kelly Reimel providing Self-Rescue™ swimming lessons to the families in Volusia County in Florida.
Watching your child is not enough, nor are pool safety gates able to protect them from every hazardous water situation.
Arm your child with an extra layer of protection in the unfortunate event that supervision lapses – even momentarily — and he or she ends up in the water alone.
ISR is the safest provider of infant and toddler survival swimming lessons worldwide. With more than 40 years of research and development behind ISR’s Self-Rescue™ program, ISR teaches each child survival skills in conjunction with basic swimming lessons that give them the competence required to safely enjoy the water.
Empower your child by enrolling him or her in ISR’s Self-Rescue program.
The Sooner, The Safer!
ISR Seal Store: www.isrsealstore.com
For more information, please visit www.infantswim.com
Visit my facebook page, Infant Swim Kellly Reimel